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  1. 2014-03-19

    Notes on Underspecification and Reversal in Kimbundu Tonology
  2. 2014-10-09

    The Abolition of Adoro in Alor Uno by Prophetess Ngozika Ogbu, English Version 1
  3. 2014-10-09

    The Abolition of Adoro in Alor Uno by Prophetess Ngozika Ogbu, English Version 2
  4. 2014-10-09

    Newspaper Articles - 'Living in Bondage' & 'Citizens of a Strange Class'
  5. 2014-10-01

    Die Prophetin Ngozi - Aufzeichnungen aus Nigeria 1995-96
  6. 2014-10-22

    Prophetess Ngozika Ogbu - Scenes from Three Video Films
  7. 2014-10-22

    Documents relating to Prophetess Ngozika Ogbu in Igboland
Book reviews
  1. 2014-04-14

    Adam Jones (Hg.) 2013. Through a Glass, Darkly: Photographs of the Leipzig Mission from East Africa, 1896-1939
  2. 2014-09-30

    Progress in Mubi Studies
Afrikanistentag 2012
  1. 2014-01-27

    Marked nominative systems in Eastern Sudanic and their historical origin
  2. 2014-02-04

    Zahlwörter, Allquantor und Demonstrativum in nomenferner Position im Zande
  3. 2013-09-18

    On the verbal system of Gashua Bade
  4. 2013-12-12

    Remnants of a noun class system in Bezen
  5. 2014-03-03

    Monotransitive Constructions in Seereer
  6. 2015-03-24

    A synchronic and diachronic examination of the ex-situ term focus construction in Fulfulde of Fuuta Jaloo