Submission Guidelines
Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online asks you to submit publications, which present innovative methods, concepts and representations. You can submit single publications or you can guest-edit entire special topic issues of Afrikanistik Online with the help of our editorial staff.
The manuscripts should contain authentic material which has not yet been published in in any form in any other publication. The copyrights remain with the author. After the publication in Afrikanistik-Aegyptologie-Online, your publication can be published in a different format, after consulting the editorial staff and with reference to the original manner and place of publication. We especially welcome submissions showing an interdiciplinary prospect or which are results of international online cooperation. Empiric works should contain information on the process of research (e.g. photographs, fieldnotes, audio or video recordings) and copies of formerly unpublished material (e.g. letters) for the purpose of publishing. Compliance with copyright is incumbent on the author and must be demonstrated to the editorial staff.
You can submit your contributions via email or you can mail us your submission (you can find the postal adress in the Imprint) contained on some medium (e.g. FDD, CD, DVD), which should contain a note of your name, email, and postal adress as well as the title and keywords of your submission. You should further note the file format employed (preferably MS Word or RTF).
For any special characters (e.g. phonetic characters or non-latin scripts) you are required to use a Unicode Font, preferably the SIL Fonts, which are freely available. For the formatting you are required to adhere to our Stylesheet for MS Word, which contains the Styles as well as further notes on how to employ them. The Tutorial-Special Fonts informs you about downloading and the use of special characters and hieroglyphs. If you have further questions feel free to contact us.
Your submitted contributions will be kept anonymous and given to two independent reviewers, from the editorial board or external, who will make a decision. The editorial staff typically corresponds with authors via email.
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